Solar panels are utilised to produce electricity which can be adopted by any sector of the community, such as domestic, industrial, agricultural etc. In the domestic area, solar panels are used to produce electricity at home, while in the industrial region, solar panels are used to generate electricity in abundant quantities to meet the requirements.

To generate electricity in mass, an array of solar panels needs to be installed from the solar power station by the engineers. The supreme benefit of solar panels is that they can be used to provide electricity in the remote areas, which would help in the formation of the place and make the lives of the people living there a little easier than before. So, the question is, what are the uses of solar panels? To know the answer, continue reading this article till the end.

What Solar Panels are?

The energy that is given by the sun to the earth is known as solar energy. Earlier, solar energy was used to generate streams that were used to operate types of machinery. The photovoltaic effect allows to conserve the solar electric energy, this was discovered by Edmond Becquerel. The solar panel captures the energy produced by the sun, and then that energy is converted into electricity. The solar panel contains numerous solar cells, which is composed of different layers consisting of boron, photon and phosphorus. Photons get absorbed into the solar panels, and in this process, electric current is elicited. The produced energy then hits the solar panels allowing the electrons to break out from the atomic orbits and are discharged into the electric field, which is generated by the solar cells. This entire cycle is called the Photoelectric effect.

Elements Used In Solar Panels

The most valuable element of solar panels is the solar cells, which helps in converting sunlight into energy. Crystalline silicon solar cells are used by the majority of solar panels.  They are organised in a grid-like system because they may vary in size, and the number of cells required eventually depends on the size of the solar panels. After the cells are arranged, a non-reflective glass is used to seal and coat the solar panel to keep the cells protected inside.

The non-reflective glass plays a significant role in protecting the solar cells from any damage and enabling the sunlight to pass through. The next step is to cover the solar panels into a solid metallic structure. This metallic frame has a drainage hole to prevent water from getting collected in the panels, which will not curtail the effectiveness of the panels. The rear of the panel is also covered in order to avoid any kind of harm to the solar panels.

Average residential houses have enough space for the installation of solar panels that would generate adequate solar power to meet the requirements of the homes. Here are some of the uses of solar panels for residential purposes.

Uses Of Solar Panels For Residential Purposes

  • Electricity – The most common way to use solar panels in houses is for electricity. Electricity is an integral part of our lives, to operate the appliances in our home in order to perform our daily chores, we need electricity. In this case, solar electricity plays a vital role here as it is cost effective and easily accessible.

  • Cooking – Solar power is also used in cooking food at home. You must have heard about solar cooker, it makes cooking much easier than one can even think and you can use it to cook a variety of meal. Your one task is to choose the right solar cooker for your kitchen.

  • Solar Ventilation – In hot climate conditions, solar ventilations, also the solar attic fans are the solution that will help in cooling your home. This is an incredible option for you, as you don’t have to install a complete solar panel at your home.
  • Water Heating – Many people across the globe prefer having a solar water heater because the cost of electricity has been increasing day by day. People are also working towards conserving natural resources for a sustainable environment. The solar energy is used in heating the water so that it can be used for various household chores such as cooking, washing, bathing and others. Here, the solar heater absorbs the heat produced by the sun and then it transmits the heat to the water tank which results in heating up the water.

  • Heating Home – In cold weather conditions, it becomes a necessity to make your homes warm to take care of your health. During the winter season, solar heaters are used to generate heat in order to make the house warm and cozy. To make sure that the entire house is heated sufficiently, these solar heaters are placed at significant and strategic locations of the house.
  • Solar Lights – Solar lighting, this is another important use of solar power in residential places. One can set up solar lights in every corner of the house as well as in the garage, garden, landscape etc. These solar lights are way cheaper than the normal electrical power supply that we usually opt for in our daily lives.

  • Portable Solar Power – In today’s world, portable devices are carried by people that require frequent electricity in order to get charged and operate efficiently. Portable solar powers have come up in the market that can be used to charge these devices such as smartphones,tablets etc.
  • Battery Charging – Devices that depend on batteries to function properly can be charged by making use of solar power. Also, storage batteries that are used to provide power to other devices, can be charged with the help of solar power.

Uses Of Solar Panels In The Field Of Agriculture

In a country like India, agriculture is the most important sector of our society, and in rural areas, agriculture is the backbone of the people residing there. To make a sustainable living, people in rural areas need to access renewable sources of energy, i.e Solar panels. Solar panels are used in agricultural activities such as poultry lighting, pest control & irrigation. Hence, agriculture and farming require a tremendous amount of electricity for irrigation, heating & cooling of the houses that have livestock, plowing, greenhouses, dairy operations, etc. This may result in making the budget really high and is not cost-effective at all. However, with the usage of solar power, it will make all the activities inexpensive in the long term.

Here are some of the areas where solar panels can be of great use :

  • Refrigeration – To preserve the agricultural products, it requires refrigeration which is energy-intensive. Solar energy used for cooling is achievable and viable, specifically in the rural places, as they have no or little access to the power grid. Solar energy is used to cool or heat up the space, which ultimately helps in extending the shelf life of agricultural commodities.
  • Drying – Earlier, agricultural products were dried in open air that often led to harm. Despite that, solar thermal energy can be used in drying, which comes with additional benefits like providing a longer storage time and eliminating the threat of any kind of damage to the products.

There are different types of solar dryers available in the market, such as indirect, direct and hybrid solar dryers. Indirect solar dryers are in the structure of the cabinet box, direct dryers come in box dryers, and lastly, the hybrid solar dryer comes in a biomass cabinet dryer.

  • Water Pumps – Solar energy is being used in small scale farming and extensive irrigation. With the help of a solar water pump, which comes with an inbuilt inverter, it is assured to supply water for every 24 hours.

Conclusion :

There are numerous uses of solar panels that will help us towards making our lives easier and sustainable. We should come  together and aim to achieve a solar powered future. Always remember, the more energy we generate ourselves, the less we have to depend on natural resources, that is one step taken towards building an eco-friendly environment.